Used Ssangyong Cars for Sale

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78,945 miles
Steven Eagell Toyota Aylesbury 24 miles from from OX13
2018 Ssangyong Turismo MPV
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26,405 miles
Bristol Street Motors Peugeot Banbury 27 miles from from OX13
2020 Ssangyong Rexton SUV
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SsangYong is a South Korean automobile manufacturer which focusses on cheap SUVs and 4x4s. It is the fourth largest automobile manufacturer in South Korea.

The history of SsangYong began when two separate companies - Ha Dong-hwan Motor Workshop (established in 1954) and Dongbang Motor Co (established in 1962) merged together in 1963. It began by building purpose built vehicles such as jeeps for the US Military.

In 1977 it was taken over by Ssangyong Business group, who eventually renamed the motor company to SsangYong in 1986. One year later in 1987, it also took over a UK based specialty car maker called Panther Westwinds.

Recently SsangYong has faced many difficulties resulting in the company being put into receivership in 2009. However, after even more problems, SsangYong seems to be making a slow recovery after a deal made with long time dealership partner Daewoo Motor Sales. In February 2011, SsangYong was taken over by Mahindra & Mahindra Limited but filed for receivership in 2020. In mid 2022, a consortium led by KG Group was announced as taking over the company.

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